New products

Rose Quartz Sphere

The material for this sphere is from Brazil and it is a nice pink color. It is right at 3-1/4"

Rose Quartz Sphere

The material for this sphere is from Brazil and it is a nice pink color. The sphere is right at 3"

2" Rutilated Smoke Quartz Sphere

This is a medium dark smoke quartz with fine hair like rutile. As you can see it displays well.

8.25" Pink Granite Sphere Mexico

Pink Granite, Mexico This is an old sphere it is 8.25 inches and weighs 32 pounds. This is an old sphere made in mexico.

3" Burrow Creek Jasper Agate Sphere

From Burrow Creek Arizona. The Back side of this sphere has more of the lavender color along with a peachy tan color.

The Gemstone Wonder Stone Montana

Wonder Stone also called Wonder Rock. From Alder, Montana.