Sunstone Moonstone & Labradorite

These three flashy types of gemstone are part of the feldspar family. The word feldspar literally translates to: feld, meaning field, and spar, meaning "easily cleaved material". It refers to any of several crystalline aluminosilicate minerals found in abundance in the earth's crust. There have been over 40 feldspars identified.

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Labradorite sterling silver Pendant

This pendant is 44x22mm (1.7" x .89") the 44mm is from the top of the bail. This stone has nice flashes of blue & Gold. (Chain not included.)

Labradorite sterling silver Pendant

This pendant is 46x24mm (1.8" x .95") the 46mm is from the top of the bail. This stone has nice flashes of blue & Gold. (Chain not included.)

Free Form Sunstone Silver Pendant

This pendant is 34mm (1.35") tall from the top of the bail & 18mm (.70") Wide (Chain Not included)

Square Sunstone Silver Pendant

This pendant is 32mm (1.25") tall from the top of the bail & 20mm (.78") Wide (Chain Not included)

Rectangle Silver & Sunstone Earrings

These earrings are 36mm (1.42") long from the top of the wire. and 12mm (.50") wide. They are very flashy.